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Exclusive Services

Wound Care

Wound care requires serial debridement, vascular testing, proper wound care products, adequate nutrition, eradication of infection and bioburden as well as proper offloading to heal. We specialize in using skin substitutes and regenerative medicine as well as offloading modalities and advanced treatments to get your chronic wounds healed. 


At-Risk Foot Care

Medicare covers for most individuals who are home bound to get what is called at-risk foot care. With this we can debride your nails, debride your calluses and corns as well as treat any ingrowing nails or other skin or nail problems you may have. 


Balance Braces

If you are over the age of 65 and have had a history of falls and/or balance problems. Medicare may cover balance braces for you. Balance braces are custom fit braces that provide stability. It has been proven that when coupled with a gait training program or strength training program, balance braces can give a patient more confidence that they won't fall, more stability, improved balance and proprioception. We can scan your feet for your balance braces in the comfort of your own home. 


Wound Supplies

Wound supplies can be expensive. Did you know that if you are not having the assistance of a home health nurse, Medicare will pay for you wound supplies? We can assess your wound and order supplies for you and have then dropped shipped directly to your home. Why not make your insurance cover these vs. paying for them out of your own pocket. 

Get in Touch

If you are interested in our services, please email us or call us using the information below. 

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